Monday, August 25, 2008

A Rare Gem

It was an ordinary Friday night. No doubt we'd had pizza, as was our routine on Friday evenings. For whatever reason, we decided to do something a little different (for us) afterwards. Instead of visiting one of our regular bookstores, we decided to visit a different one. Little did we know what an effect that would have.

We had done our browsing and were ready to leave. I took a quick look around the bargain section, when a book leapt off the shelf as it were and said, "BUY ME!" I showed it to DH, and he agreed that it was a must buy. Neither of us had heard of the author before, but the title caught our attention. If my memory serves me right, it was the only book we bought that night. It was only $6.99, but to us, it was priceless.

We took it home, and we both read it within the next week or two. It was one of those rare gems of books; one of those books that once you've read it, your world is rocked and you never see the world the same way again. Our mouths dropped open while reading it. The man's arguments made sense. In fact, they were so obvious, we couldn't believe we hadn't seen it ourselves, that we'd been blinded for so many years.

Since then, we've acquired two more of the author's books. I've read them both. In fact, DH got me one for my birthday last year.

Sadly, the author died a few years ago (before we discovered him) and his books are a little hard to come by. One book we want to get our hands on goes for over $135.00 on or ebay.

The author was quite a respected scholar. Now whenever I look at books by other authors on the topics he wrote on, I always see if the authors reference him. It turns out that more and more are. I'm excited to see this. In fact, I wish everyone could read the book that rocked our world, as so many people need to hear what he has to say.

Who is this man, and what did he write about? His name was Hyam Maccoby, and the book that rocked our world was, "The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Chrisianity". It's a pity he isn't more well known than he is. He should be. As you may guess from his name, he was Jewish.

If you have any interest in the origins of Christianity, you MUST read this book. You can get it relatively cheap on ebay. The other two books we have are, "Jesus the Pharisee" and "Judas Iscariot and the Myth of Jewish Evil."

Read them. Read them all. You won't be sorry you did.

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